.. _Settings: Settings -------- Settings in p3, are defined in JSON format and can be loaded in through the **-s** or **--settings** command line flags. This document describes the settings available to default workflows of p3. bids_query ^^^^^^^^^^ Sets the bids query for the bidsselector workflow. The input to this settings key should be a dictionary containing the *anat* and *func* keys. See pybids_ docs for more information. .. code:: bash # This sets the anatomy images to be of modality 'anat' and type 'T1w' # and the functional images to be modality 'func' and type 'rest' { 'anat':{ 'modality': 'anat', 'type':'T1w', }, 'func':{ 'modality':'func', 'task':'rest' } } func_reference_run ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selects the epi run to take the reference image from. It is 0 indexed so the first run loaded in to the func key would be 0. func_reference_frame ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selects the epi reference frame to use. It is 0 indexed and taken from the whatever run was set to the **func_reference_run**. anat_reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selects the anat to align to if multiple anat images in dataset. It is 0 indexed. Anatomy imagess are ordered from lowest session, lowest run to highest session, highest run. Leave as 0 if only 1 anat. atlas ^^^^^ Sets the atlas align target. You can specify a path to an atlas here, or use one of p3's built in templates. Currently the only availiable template in p3 is *MNI152.nii.gz* avganats ^^^^^^^^ True or False. Averages all anats in the dataset if multiple T1s. Set this to False if you only have 1 anatomy image or you will probably get an error! field_map_correction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ True or False. Sets whether the pipeline should run field map correction. You should have field maps in your dataset for this to work. **p3 currently only supports gradient echo field maps.** slice_time_correction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ True or False. Sets whether the functional images should be slice time corrected. despiking ^^^^^^^^^ True of False. Sets whether epi images should be despiked. run_recon_all ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ True or False. Sets whether pipeline should run recon-all (if you decide not to you should place your own p3_freesurfer data under output p3_freesurfer_output, where each folder is {NAME} in sub-{NAME} in the bids dataset) num_threads ^^^^^^^^^^^ Sets the number of threads for all ANTs programs. brain_radius ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sets the brain radius for FD calculations (in mm). min_bpm ^^^^^^^ Sets the breathing rate for lower bound of the respiratory filter. max_bpm ^^^^^^^ Sets the breathing rate for upper bound of the respiratory filter. FD_threshold ^^^^^^^^^^^^ FD threshold for creating tmask outputs. FD_filtered_threshold ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Filtered FD threshold for creating filtered tmask outputs. workflows ^^^^^^^^^ Defines the workflows to import. .. code:: bash "workflows": [ "p3_bidsselector", "p3_freesurfer", "p3_skullstrip", "p3_stcdespikemoco", "p3_fieldmapcorrection", "p3_alignanattoatlas", "p3_alignfunctoanat", "p3_alignfunctoatlas", "p3_create_fs_masks" ] See :ref:`Creating New Workflows` for more details. connections ^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines the connections between workflows. .. code:: bash "connections": [ { 'source': 'p3_bidsselector', # the source workflow 'destination': 'p3_freesurfer', # the destination workflow 'links': [ [ # this sets the anat of p3_bidsselector to T1 of p3_freesurfer 'output.anat', 'input.T1' ], [ # this sets the subject of p3_bidsselector to subject of p3_freesurfer 'output.subject', 'input.subject' ] ] }, { 'source': 'p3_bidsselector', # the source workflow 'destination': 'p3_skullstrip', # the destination workflow 'links': [ [ # this sets the anat of p3_bidsselector to T1 of p3_skullstrip 'output.anat', 'input.T1' ] ] }, ... ] See :ref:`Creating New Workflows` for more details. sideload ^^^^^^^^ A list of inputs to sideload a node. .. code:: bash "sideload": [ { "workflow": "myworkflow1", "node": "node1", "input": ["field1", "value1"] # a single string sideload }, { "workflow": "myworkflow2", "node": "node2", "input": ["field2", ["value2_1","value2_2","value2_3"]] # an array sideload } ] See :ref:`Sideloading` for more details. .. include:: ../links.rst